The next Apple Watch could protect you from sunburn


A patent, dated December 2017, was recently published by the US Patent and Trademark Office in the United States. It reveals a sensor capable of detecting the presence of sunscreen on the skin of the user.

Little by little, the connected watch from Apple turns into a mother 2.0. It reminds wearers to get up once an hour, to breathe several times a day, to exercise and, through third party applications, to drink water regularly. And soon, she may well remind us to put sunscreen to prevent sunburn.

This is in any case what explains this patent of " Light-based Shielding Detection ", in other words a technology capable of detecting ultraviolet and infrared. The watch would be able to evaluate your sunscreen and remind you to baste once more when the previous layer does not work anymore.

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The next Apple Watch could protect you from sunburn – © All rights reserved

The sensor could join another sensor announced for several months, namely a blood glucose sensor, able to work without piercing the skin. As is the case with all patents, it's impossible to know if this feature will ever come into existence, but it does confirm that Apple continues to see its connected watch as a gadget that can be beneficial to health.

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