The iPhone soon banned in India because of an application?


Apple soon absent from one of the most populous countries in the world? With 1.324 billion inhabitants, India represents a potentially very lucrative market for the Cupertino brand. However, over the past year, the company has sold only one million iPhone. A drop of water … And it could still be reduced to a trickle.

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<h2> A policy against spam </h2>
<p> This time, it is not completely the fault of Apple who invests a lot to succeed in carving out a place, but it's actually a conflict with The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), which wants to fight against spam, which poses many problems in the country The solution The obligatory installation of an application that would signal incoming calls and SMS in this category ie. </p>
<p> On paper, this may sound from a good feeling but Apple actually considers that this application is much too intrusive and poses serious problems of confidentiality. It requires access to the log of access and messages </p>
<h2> An ultimatum of 6 months </h2>
<p> The problem is that TRAI does not intend to make any exceptions. It will be an application on all smartphones. The operators and manufacturers of smartphones, have the right to a period of six months. After this time, the application called "Do not Disturb" should be everywhere. </p>
<p> And for those who refuse to comply with the directive as seems to want Apple? Apple brand smartphones will become real bricks. </p>
<p> TRAI will force operators to remove recalcitrant devices from 3G, 4G and voice services. In short, a real small death sentence. Apple should still try to find a compromise. The fact that iOS 12 allows you to automatically report spam should work in its favor. It remains to be seen whether this will be enough to convince the government agency. Case to follow </p>
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