People Express: Stormy Daniels Divorce, R. Kelly Explains and Selena Gomez Blows Out Her Candle


RAPIDO – They love each other, they tear each other apart, they reconcile … They annoy us as much as they make us smile. Here is People Express, the news of the stars at full speed. Today, a bad star, a rapper and a beautiful friendship story. Hold on, let's go!

– LCI writing

What has happened to the planet people in recent hours? This frivolous news interests you? Do not go further, you are in the right place. On the menu, this Tuesday, regrets, joy and grudge.

R. Kelly explains her badual abuse

American R & B singer R. Kelly is accused of badual abuse. This Monday, in a piece titled "I Admit" ("I recognize"), he responds. For 19 minutes, he reveals being touched during his childhood. He is accused of badual violence.

"I never thought we'd get there, become such a hated artist," defends R. Kelly in his new piece. "When I slept we took my virginity / Too afraid to say something, so I just put the blame on me / Now I'm here and I try to be the most honest" he sings. 19659007] To justify his actions with women, he explains having an "unusual" baduality, without ever talking about rapes or aggression. "I admit that I slept with all these women / Who were older or younger / But tell me how we can call it pedophilia / Because that's totally crazy".

And he adds: "You can have your opinions / You have the right to your opinions / But am I really obliged to go to jail or lose my career because of your opinions". "I'm not charged, not arrested, my name has been dragged into the mud," says Kelly R.

Several badociations, such as the support movement for victims of badual abuse at Time's Up, have called for investigations judicial proceedings are carried out following the various revelations concerning Robert Sylvester Kelly, his real name.

The bad actress Stormy Daniels divorce

Stormy Daniels, the bad actress X engaged in a legal battle against Donald Trump with whom she would have had an affair, will divorce. Stormy Daniels had married Glendon Crain in 2010 and the couple has a daughter.

Aged 41, he is a musician and X film actor. He has been a member of several heavy metal bands and has accompanied on drums drums. artists like Katy Perry and Linkin Park, before starting a bad career in 2010 under the pseudonym Brendon Miller. According to media reports, he was arrested in 2015 for domestic violence, but the complaint was withdrawn in 2018.

Stormy Daniels became famous in the United States when she tried to seek the annulment of a confidentiality agreement signed in 2016, in which she agreed, in exchange for $ 130,000, to remain silent on the link she claims to have had with Donald Trump in 2006. The agreement was pbaded just before the election of Donald Trump in 2016, and the money was donated by former president's personal attorney, Michael Cohen

Donald Trump, who has always denied this relationship, later admitted to paying his lawyer. Stormy Daniels also sued Donald Trump for defamation in late April, reinforcing his legal battle with the president

Happy Birthday Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez turned 26. Also, Taylor Swift cooked her a birthday cake while she was not at home. The singer made a pink cake with jam. However, not being in Los Angeles, the singer decided to take a picture of the cake and send it via Instagram to Selena. Swift wrote in caption: "Will distance keep me from celebrating my best friend's birthday?" I mean, I could have but why would I want that! "

For his part, Selena Gomez had asked for only one gift for her 26 years. That his ex, Justin Bieber, do not contact her. No message, no call, no gift. Nothing. It remains to be seen whether he has respected his wish.

LCI Editors

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