CNN reporter boycotted by the White House


He was denied access to a press conference. She had previously asked questions deemed "inappropriate" to Trump.

Donald Trump's war against the media continues. The White House was sharply criticized on Wednesday for banning access to a CNN reporter. It was to follow the press conference after the meeting between the US President and the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker. He was accused of asking "inappropriate" questions to the real estate mogul.

In the Oval Office, Kaitlan Collins, a CNN journalist, asked Donald Trump some questions, then sitting next to the chief of the European executive, without getting an answer. The questions concerned Vladimir Putin and Michael Cohen, the former advocate of the Republican billionaire who recorded Donald Trump without his knowledge. Images published by CNN show it, in the scrum of journalists, asking Donald Trump many times what was his reaction after the "betrayal" of Michael Cohen.

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According to CNN, two close to the president, including Sarah Sanders, the the executive, then told Kaitlan Collins that she was not welcome at the press conference scheduled a little later. "They said the questions I asked were inappropriate for this meeting place," says Kaitlan Collins.

Concern of the other chains

The outcry is immediate. "We strongly condemn the unfortunate and inappropriate decision of the White House today to prevent one of our members from" going to "a public press event after she has asked questions that they do not have. not appreciated, "responded on Twitter the Association of Correspondents of the White House (WHCA).

Even Fox News, a reputed republican rival channel, expressed its concern: "We are very much in solidarity with CNN on this right to full access for our journalists, as part of a free and unhindered press", in a statement, quoted by several media, the president of Donald Trump's favorite conservative channel.

By Sarah Sanders' voice, the White House tried to calm the game, insisting that they told Kaitlan Collins that "any other journalist in her channel could attend" the press conference. "We support a free press and ask everyone to be respectful of the presidency and guests at the White House," said Sarah Sanders.

Donald Trump very regularly attacks the press, calling some media, especially CNN, "Fake News".

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