Benalla case: "A storm in a glass of water", according to Macron


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<p> Archival photo of Emmanuel Macron with Alexandre Benalla lord of a trip to Berd'huis, in the Orne, April 12, 2018CHARLY TRIBALLEAU </p>
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The Benalla affair, "I think it's a storm in a glbad of water, "said President Emmanuel Macron, questioned by AFP during a trip to Campan (Hautes-Pyrénées).

" I said what I had to say, that is to say, I think it's a storm in a glbad of water, and for many, it's a storm under a skull, "said the president to an AFP journalist, before to meet a delegation of farmers.

"Me, it does not affect me much, do not worry, there I am with my fellow citizens," added Mr. Macron, who spent five minutes in front of the town hall from Campan to greet the crowd, before taking a selfie with scouts from France

Someone launched into the crowd: "Hello Manu!" To which the president replied, with a smile: "Oh no, do not provoc!"

On June 18, during a polemical exchange with a teenager who called him "Manu", Emmanuel Macron replied: "You call me Mr. President of the Republic, or sir, okay?"

"The day you want to make the revolution, you first learn to have a degree and feed yourself, okay? And then you'll go teach others," Mr. Macron told the teenager who had apologized.

During his trip to Hautes-Pyrénées, Mr. Macron made a stop at Campan to meet a delegation of farmers, before joining the Pic du Midi, where he will inaugurate new equipment including a platform with exceptional panoramic views of the Franco-Spanish mbadif, located at an altitude of about 2.900 m.

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