Charleroi: He strikes his wife pregnant with twins, who has a miscarriage



Her partner miscarried and lost twins

Soner and Bedia have been married for 14 years, but since 2017 there has been a storm in the air. And according to the young woman, the arguments are punctuated with blows, which has led her husband behind bars.

This Thursday, Soner appeared before the Charleroi Criminal Court for three specific scenes. In March, Bedia came to file a complaint. She had gone to the marble works where her husband works, no doubt to check that he was not frolicking elsewhere. "It's a dangerous place, it should not be there" is justified. "We quarreled and I slapped her." The victim, instead, speaks of a punch … Heard by the police, Soner was finally released. "As it was the first time, it was believed to a skid punctual" explains the prosecution that requires 2 years in prison with a possible probation suspension. "But a month later, a new complaint was lodged.The accused had beaten his wife because she was pregnant and did not want to eat.See to understand its logic … It was also learned that, two weeks later Early on, he had pressed her to the ground to twist her arm and bite her, and said that he was sitting on his stomach, knowing that she was pregnant – was that what caused the miscarriage? Still, this lady lost the twins she was waiting for. "

Soner, he only recognizes a slap in the marble and explains simply having " restrained the arm " Bedia. But he denies sitting on the belly of his wife. "He learned the news of the miscarriage in prison and tried to commit suicide by swallowing drugs" explains Mr. Turk, his lawyer. "I wanted to ask for a divorce in Belgium but it did not work, so I went to Turkey to take the steps" adds Soner. "Finally, we wanted to give ourselves another chance by settling in our native country.The children left before us because we still had notarial procedures to do."

For Me Turk, Soner is aware of his slippage and has taken steps from prison. It is therefore a probationary stay for anything beyond pre-trial detention that has been requested by the defense. Judgment on July 30.


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