Israel has made Ahed Tamimi the icon of resistance


Young Palestinian Ahed Tamimi, released this Sunday after nearly eight months in prison, has become a global icon of the struggle against the occupation. Israeli military justice shot a fist in the foot.

L Young Palestinian Ahed Tamimi, 17, was released this Sunday at the end (within three weeks) of the eight months in prison that the Israeli military justice had inflicted on him in 2017. His offense? Hitting an Israeli soldier who broke into the yard of his house in Nabi Saleh, a West Bank village known for his fierce resistance to the occupation and the expansion of a Jewish settlement on his land. Ahed's mother, Nariman, endured the same sentence and was released the same day. The two women returned home as heroines. "The Tamimi case", which ignited social networks, is it over? It is clear that Israel shot itself in the foot.

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