a bundle with PUBG, priced at 499 euros


In the coming days, Microsoft will launch in shops a new Xbox One X bundle, including the essential PUBG

The Xbox One X is hooked up with PUBG

Launched last September, the Xbox One X is the most powerful Xbox ever created, capable of running (some) games in 4K and 60 fps mode. Like a PS4 Pro, it allows to enjoy many titles in "Enhanced" mode, this is the case for Forza Horizon 7, Gears of War 4 or Sea of ​​Thieves, but also PUBG. A PUBG that Microsoft has finally decided to officially badociate with its Xbox One X.

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<p> Indeed, launched at the end of last year, PUBG for XBox One remains a strong exclusivity for Microsoft , the game is not (yet?) Available on PS4 A game that obviously meets a great success, since the latest figures report 8 million players on Xbox One.If the game has received an offer in the end last year, allowing buyers of Xbox One X to download the latter for free PUBG is finally officially available in bundle with "<em> the most powerful console in the world </em>". </p>
<p> Thus, just to celebrate the summer, Microsoft has finally decided to launch on the market a bundle bringing together his console and the game so coveted, without applying any additional cost. As a result, this Xbox One X + PUBG bundle will be priced at 499 euros. Recall that the console has a hard drive of 1 TB, and that the bundle also allows to try for free for a month to Xbox Game Pbad and Xbox Live Gold (essential to play PUBG). Microsoft announces a commercialization planned for the next days at most dealers in the world. </p>
<p> Let us remember to conclude that <em> PUBG Corp. </em> recently announced that its PUBG game has been played by over 400 million players, with around 50 million copies spread across Xbox One and PC. A quick calculation allows to announce that more than 350 million players play / have played PUBG Mobile. Every day, according to the studio, more than 87 million players embark on the PUBG battle. Impressive … </p>
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