Police arrested administratively two people the night of Saturday to Sunday, seized a kilo of narcotics and 1,515 euros. On the roads, the boreal zone sent 21 p. for driving under the influence
New badessment drawn up by the hayts-Pays police for this 4th day of festival in Dour.
"No particular security problem is to be reported. There were two administrative arrests during the night from Saturday to Sunday for disorder of the order.
The specific device of research of federal narcotics brought 55 judicial procedures including ten for sale. The seizures amount to one kg of narcotics of different types and 1,515 euros.
For its part the common device of police Boraine with the customs and service taxation controlled 156 vehicles with the following results:
– 21 p. of driving under influence
– 24 p.-v. in the field of haulage with one seizure and three fixed badets of vehicles
– seizure 130 grammes of narcotics
– 10 p.-v. customs
– 1.4827 euros of taxation
There are 1000 interventions Red Cross with 25 evacuations ».
Before the last evening of the 30th edition, the organizers also communicated the first figures which announce an exceptional affluence of 228,200 festival-goers in five days. The 2017 edition, with its 242,000 festival-goers, still holds the historic record in terms of the affluence of the festival dourois. "
This remains an exceptional figure, which proves again that the festival of Dour is the biggest festival in French-speaking Belgium
Said Damien Dufrasne, the organizer of the hennuyer festival, on Sunday
Some 240 bands and artists performed on seven stages a varied program from all horizons. The overall budget of the Dour Festival is 13 million euros, which directly or indirectly induce the equivalent of 225 full time festival-related, in addition to 15 jobs year-round.
Since Wednesday, the giant camping du Festival de Dour welcomes 40,000 festival-goers. Thousands have opted for other alternative camping offerings such as Confort Camping and the Green Camping, which was set up for the second time and which is for festival-goers to take up the zero waste challenge.
The musical event has, moreover, mobilized 3,500 volunteers and 300 Red Cross rescuers a day on the festival site and on the campsite.
The curtain is about to fall on the 30th edition of the Dour Festival, which brilliantly succeeded in moving to the Dour wind farm. The final of the 2018 World Cup, which will oppose Sunday to 17h France to Croatia, will be broadcast live and on the giant screens of the main stage, The Last Arena. The concerts will then continue and will end late in the night from Sunday to Monday, with some headliners including Nekfeu, Girls in Hawaii, Beth Ditto, M6, Amelie Lens …
The 31st
he edition of the Dour Festival will take place from 10 to 14 July 2019.
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