a famous bullfighter is "scalping" during a bullfight


This is a spectacular incident that occurred this Saturday in the arena of Arevalo, a small town in the province of Castilla y León in Spain. The famous bullfighter Juan José Padilla, identifiable thanks to the pirate's headband that he wears in his left eye after being girded in 2011, was again seriously injured.

The matador, who was confronted with a Garcigrande bull , suddenly dropped as he attacked the animal with banderillas. Immediately, the bovid gave him a violent blow of horn at the level of the skull, causing him a tear of the scalp reported South-West .

In the day of Sunday, the 45-year-old man has pbaded various exams that have finally revealed no brain damage. Juan Jose Padilla must this Friday take part in a bullfight in Pamplona. Despite his injuries, he badured that he would be present. "Thanks to God, I'm fine," he explained.

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