a man killed by a polar bear in Canada


A man was killed by a polar bear in front of his daughters in Canada.

A Canadian inhabitant of Nunavut (Northeast) was killed by a polar bear while protecting his children, the federal police said on Wednesday. The 31-year-old man, who was unarmed, died following a polar bear attack, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said in a statement. The attack occurred Tuesday night on an island about ten kilometers from the city of Arviat, located on the shores of Hudson Bay, where the victim lived, the RCMP said.

man, Aaron Gibbons, was on the island with his daughters when the bear attacked. He shouted at them to return to the boat that had brought them to the island and stood in front of the bear, his uncle told CTV. She is one of the girls of the victim who called for help. Aaron Gibbons had a rifle in the boat but did not carry it on him at the time of the events. The bear was then killed.

Melting ice causes polar bears to move

This was the first deadly attack on a polar bear in Nunavut since 2000, according to CTV. The Kivalliq Wildlife Council has said that bear-to-bear encounters are on the rise, certainly due to the melting ice in Hudson Bay, melting accelerated by global warming that is forcing polar bears to venture further south. According to a report published in 2017 by the US Wildlife Service, 73 bear attacks have been reported since 1870. Nearly two-thirds of the attacks were perpetrated by young bears that were starting to die of starvation. attacks out of ten took place between July and December, when precisely the melting ice pushes the polar bears to seek new hunting grounds.

Read also: The polar bears are wiped out, for lack of to find food

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