A marital dispute slips, he fires at home



On Wednesday night, a domestic dispute nearly degenerated into a building fire in Marloie. The police went to the scene after the couple's daughter alerted the helpers to inform them that her father was attacking his mother.

At the arrival of the police, the lady was waiting outside while her husband had entrenched himself inside where he threatened to fire the fire at home. It was not the first time a dispute had broken out within the couple, but the situation had never grown so big.

When the police wanted to intervene, he threatened them with a billhook. Reinforcements and firefighters were quickly called to the scene. But the madman was not content to utter threats. He began to spread the accelerating product in the home to set it on fire. As a police officer began negotiations at the front of the home, two intervention teams took the opportunity to enter from behind. Understanding what was happening, the individual then fired the accelerating product. But the rapid intervention of firefighters helped prevent the spread of the fire.

The man was able to be controlled shortly after 20h, under the influence of alcohol. He was not able to be heard. The laboratory of the federal police must go down there. The file could be put to the instruction.

N. P.

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