A month of July of all records for the Belgian Coast



The tourist sector of the Belgian coast benefited the most from the summer temperatures of this month of July.

With 3.5 million daily tourists, 20% more than last year, and a 95% hotel occupancy, the Côte explodes all records, said Sunday the provincial office of Westtoer tourism. July 2018 therefore joins the summer months of 1999 and 2006 as record months for the Belgian Coast. It is the weekend of July 21 and 22 that has recorded the most influx, with 300,000 tourists daily.

The accommodation sector also pulls out of the game with an occupancy of 90 to 95% for most hotels. For the month of August, the hotel sector is already showing a good occupation. Holiday homes are doing just as well with a slight increase in the number of nights, but fewer bookings. Campsites also show a good occupancy rate but the sites are usually reserved well in advance.

"The tourism sector is optimistic for August, the forecasts for the next ten days are again good: sun and In the case of summer weather, the sea can cool down, and the coastal landscape and beaches remain a unique badet, "said Franky De Block, president of Westtoer.

In total, some six million tourists are expected at the Coast for the summer holidays, an above-average figure for the region.

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