A new game The Witcher is planned, but it's not The Witcher 4 | Xbox One


CD Projekt has sold more than 33 million copies of its The Witcher series, but does not intend to stop there, even if all the attention is now turned to Cyberpunk 2077.

According to the CEO Adam Kiciński's studio, the franchise has a future.

The first three Witchers were by definition a trilogy, so we could not just call the next game The Witcher 4. That does not mean of course we're going to leave the world of The Witcher. The Witcher is one of our two franchises on which we want to build the future of our society. Today, unfortunately, I can not reveal anything more.

What Adam Kiciński says in the Polish magazine Bankier is that there is a future for the franchise but it is still a little early to talk about it. We know in any case that a team from the studio already working on a "second strategic project", which could well be a new episode of The Witcher.

Currently, there are 350 people working on Cyberpunk 2077 for which no release date is announced. Production of the game is on schedule and CD Projekt will release the release date of the game when it is the right time. Hope to see the game again at Gamescom next month because at E3, it impressed us strongly

Cyberpunk 2077: release confirmed on Xbox One, PC and PS4.

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