a new report of at least two months is announced in the file


According to the latest estimates, in 2022, the people of Liège should take advantage of the tram. An emblematic project of the ardent city that could still be a little behind. According to RTBF, the decision to award the contract was to be made by the board of directors of the brand new OTW, the Walloon Transport Operator. But this decision would be postponed for at least two months …

Currently, two consortiums compete for the Liege tram market: the French Alstom and the Spanish CAF. The qualities of the urban tram of Alstom are numerous: futuristic line, comfortable, silent, ecological … An opponent of size for the CAF. The decision of OTW's Board of Directors, the new structure that will consolidate the five CETs and the former SRWT, is expected to take place in July.

The date of the first Board of Directors meeting OTW was indeed set for July 11th. However, RTBF announces today that there is no political agreement on the composition of the new board of the OTW which has only 15 seats.

So, it is the former board of directors of the SRWT, which normally can not engage on such an important issue as the tram Liege, which is convened for July 11, morning. L

Result: no new advice, no decision on the tram on the agenda … The two consortiums in contention apparently have received a letter announcing the postponement of the decision: they will have to wait at least two months. An additional wait for both entrepreneurs and residents

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