a priest placed in custody for sexual assault


Oscar Muñoz, who held senior positions in the Archdiocese of Santiago, is suspected of having abused at least seven minors.

Suspected of abusing at least seven minors The parish priest was detained for 180 days on Friday, July 13 in Chile, announced the justice of this country shaken by a series of pedophile scandals in his church.

Oscar Muñoz, 56, who occupied these recent years of positions of responsibility within the archdiocese of Santiago, was arrested Thursday. He will remain in detention while the investigation of the Chilean justice progresses.

"The provisional prison is a very heavy measure, that implies the total deprivation of freedom for a person" declared to the press Emiliano Arias, the prosecutor of Rancagua (120 km south of Santiago), where the priest was arrested. For those cases that would have occurred between the years 2002 and 2018 in the cities of Santiago and Rancagua, Muñoz incurs a sentence of 15 years, according to the magistrate.

See also:
                In Chile, cautious satisfaction of victims of pedophilia and silence of the political clbad


In addition, police investigators and prosecutors carried out searches in offices of the bishoprics of Temuco and Villarrica, in the region of Araucania (south), again following allegations of badual abuse, reported a police source. The investigation, which began on June 19, concerns accusations against five clerics, according to the local press.

See also:
                In Chile, a new bad scandal is shaking the Church

The operation was conducted after the bishops concerned refused to provide information required by the prosecution. According to the local press, the investigators seized documents and computers.

On May 18, the entire hierarchy of the Chilean Church submitted their resignation to the pope in the context of a huge scandal of pedophilia and d'omerta, a thunderbolt that followed a series of Holy Father's mea culpa addressed to the Chilean people.

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