a Ryanair plane suffering a pressure drop, 30 minor injuries


This is an extremely rare incident that affected the 189 pbadengers of this Ryanair plane, which was supposed to connect the Irish capital Dublin and the city of Zadar in Croatia on Friday. While the aircraft flew over Germany, several travelers complained of headaches and ears as well as nausea, due to a sudden pressure drop in the living space.

In emergency, the captain asked to land at an airport west of Frankfurt, the Federal Police told the German news agency DPA

Several hospitalizations

For its part, the low-cost airline also communicated: "According to the standard procedure applied by the team, the oxygen masks were made available and a controlled descent was initiated." On the other hand, the reasons for the incident were not specified

The pbadengers were then taken to the ground by the German relief service and about thirty of them were hospitalized for examinations. Saturday morning, they were all able to leave the hospital, said Frankfurt-Hahn airport, where the aircraft landed.

Another plane was to drive them in the morning to Croatia, according to the airport .

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