A startup imagines an electric bike that mines cryptocurrency


A bicycle company has just announced the construction of a new type of two wheels. A bike capable of cryptocurrency mining by pedaling

The year 2018 was marked by the popularity of cryptocurrency, yet rather old. A popularity that stimulates the imagination of some manufacturers, including 50 Cycles, specializing in the design, manufacture and sale of electric bike.

Their latest project is an electric bike capable of mining virtual currency by pedaling. What motivate some to play sports. A great argument to convince potential buyers.

For the CEO of 50Cycles, this model fits perfectly into the thinking of the company, which always seeks to be at the forefront of technology in its sector. "We have always been forward thinking in adopting the latest technologies for our products. Fifteen years ago, we saw the potential of e-bikes in Japan, today we see the future in blockchain technology and crypto-currencies. It is also a way of rewarding our customers using an environmentally friendly means of transportation.

The bike in question, the Toba, has all the characteristics of a traditional electric bike. Its particularity lies in the connection with a mobile application that allows, such a clbadic sports application, to track the movements and performance of the cyclist. It also makes it possible to convert the kilometers traveled in money, count 15 € the 1,000 km anyway.

Credit: 50Cycles – prototype of Toba

To make a small fortune, it will take many miles, but that's not all. The cryptocurrency also severely mined will be in LoyalCoin currency, a virtual currency exchangeable into purchase vouchers and usable at 50 Cycles or exchangeable against another cryptocurrency.
A heck of a marketing move for the company which hopes to develop "a new economy of devaluation in order to create good uses that reward those who contribute to the betterment of society ".

The Toba will be available next September, ideal for the start of the school year. As for the price, 50Cycles has not yet communicated on this subject, but we can expect a great budget given the price at which are sold the other models of the manufacturer.

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