A trapeze artist unleashes his partner in the void


A trapeze artist drops his partner into the void in the program – screenshot / YouTube

More fear than harm. Tuesday, a high-risk number was almost wrong turn on the set of America's Got Talent the American version of France has an incredible talent . Live on NBC, a couple of trapeze artists, Mary (whose daughter was present in the audience) and Tyce, appeared in front of the judges to perform his number, above a scene on fire. 19659003] A spectacular fall

The execution of this spectacular acrobatics was made more difficult because of the disability of Tyce, blind in one eye, victim of a degenerative disease. The latter had decided, for the occasion, to complicate his number by fully bandaging his eyes. In position, he had to catch up with his companion, placed above him. But everything did not go as planned …

Mary's legs slipped from Tyce's hands, causing her to fall to the ground but also a big fright among the jury and the public. Fortunately, the trapeze artist got up, apparently shocked but unharmed, before kissing her partner with applause.

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>> To read also: VIDEO. "America's Got Talent": An artist makes a wonderful show

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