Affine: will bring its stake in Banimmo to a takeover bid


Affine announces its intention to contribute its 49.5% stake in Banimmo to the tender offer launched by the Belgian insurance group Patronale Life ….

Affine announces its intention to contribute its 49.5% stake in Banimmo to the tender offer launched by the Belgian insurance group Patronale Life. It will therefore be sold at a price of 18.6 million euros, or 3.3 euros per share.

The operation translates for Affine by an increase in own resources available for its investments. The contribution of this sale to earnings should be neutral, the price being roughly equal to the consolidated net badets (group share) at the end of 2017.

With this transaction, Affine takes an additional step towards a specialized real estate profile. French corporate real estate whose field of expertise focuses on offices and, in a complementary way, on downtown businesses.

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