Amazon launches Part Finder to find the perfect screw


More successful detection

With Part Finder, Amazon aims to help DIYers easily find the reference of a spare part. For now, it's basically about identifying the screws, nuts and bolts, but the potential of this application is real. We regret that this service is (for the moment) available only in the United States and only iOS.

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Amazon acquired the Partpic start-up in 2016 with the idea of ​​strengthening the possibilities of the object detection function integrated into its application . Indeed, the latter can already detect many everyday objects with the photo sensor of a smartphone (and more or less success …). But the addition of the Part Finder function – being deployed – is interesting because it is supposed to allow DIYers to find in a few moments a spare part, including a screw, a nut or a washer. A hundred types of spare parts would be already listed.

Each characteristic is badyzed: type of screw, diameter, shape of the head, and even what screwdriver to use. Part Finder then asks to confirm these characteristics to ensure that no errors were made during the detection. And once the good piece is found, the app obviously redirects the user to the product page so that he can order it.

It is by exploiting technologies derived from augmented reality that Amazon was able to conceive this feature, currently only deployed to iOS devices. Note that in France, Part Finder does not seem to be available yet. No doubt it will be on the occasion of a future update of the application. Amazon did not report when this new feature will be available for Android smartphone owners.

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