An integral combination to explore virtual reality


Reality meets fiction with this HoloSuit worthy of a sci-fi film that allows a total immersion in the worlds of virtual reality.

Films like Le Cobaye or more recently Ready Player One will no longer be quite fictitious when you put on one of these HoloSuit designed to explore virtual reality.

Like a motion capture equipment, this combination embeds many sensors that can track the movements of each Part of the body. It will no longer be only the hands of the user but a complete avatar that can move in games and applications of virtual reality.

Created by the start-up Kaaya Tech the holding achieved its financing on Kickstarter and will arrive at the first customers in November 2018.

Several models are available, including a declension Pro (1375 €), which is the most advanced, shipping 36 sensors, 9 haptic feedback for sensations physical and 6 buttons located on an integral combination. A more basic version is offered for € 859, with 26 sensors and the same buttons on a set including a jacket, pants and gloves.

Kaaya Tech says that its HoloSuit can transmit wireless tracking information via Wi -Fi or Bluetooth to HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Hololens, Samsung Gear VR headsets, but also to iOS and Android smartphones and tablets.

Other combinations of this type are in development or available in some environments such as the Teslasuit which is mainly used in the medical field or the Rapture Vest of The Void which works with the Rapture helmet and which is intended primarily for games and attractions.

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