an operation to combat financial crime on Mettewie Boulevard


As part of the fight against financial crime and particularly in the fight against the fictitious domiciliation of companies, the Federal Judicial Police of Brussels intervened last Thursday in a "business center" located boulevard Louis Mettewie in Molenbeek -Saint-Jean who offered services of "mailboxes" and allowing more than a hundred companies to install their headquarters there without any economic reality behind this inscription, indicates Friday the federal police.

In the frame of this file put to the information of the prosecutor of Brussels, the investigators of the judicial police proceeded last Thursday to several acts of investigation including the hearing of SM, born in 1947, managing companies exploiting this "business center" ". He was deprived of his liberty and a consent search in his facilities was carried out. Seals were placed on the premises.

After hearing, SM was released pending the outcome of the judicial investigation.

The problem of fictitious headquarters used by people wishing to carry out fraudulent activities in Through shell companies is well known to judicial, police and economic authorities, as well as tax, says the federal police. The intervention last Thursday was a strong signal to the attention of the "business centers" located in the judicial district of Brussels and, more broadly, everywhere in Belgium.

The Federal Police recalls that any active and registered company in Belgium must have a (real) head office where its directors can be contacted, where its statutes, book of shares and accounting documents are kept.

With Belga – Photo: illustration Belga

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