Anderlecht: Alexis Saelemaekers, the standard bearer


Benjamin Helson

The young Belgian had his first start on April 1st when Anderlecht started in PO1. Since then, the attacking midfielder converted back to the right continues to impress.

Titularized in D1 for the first time of his career on April 1 for Anderlecht's entry in the PO1 against Gent, Alexis Saelemaekers has quickly showed that the qualities gleaned during the first part of the season under the orders of Emilio Ferrera in reserve were real, a collaboration that "
                     helped Alexis a lot in his development
                    "Says his agent, Jean-Marc Schellens. Attacking midfielder reconverted back right able to survey the entire flank and "
                     where he was more likely to break through at the highest level
                    », We are told, Alexis Saelemaekers uses his offensive temperament to project himself very quickly forward. In this sense, the direct football advocated by Hein Vanhaezebrouck suits him perfectly because it allows him to play on his qualities while "masking" his perfectible points, namely the defensive game, where he must still take a cue. [19659005] if (typeof (cookie_consent_social) === 'undefined' || checkCookieConsent ('social')) {
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