Anderlues: new actions planned following the aggression of the young Muslim woman



The odious aggression on July 2 will result in a rally on Wednesday, 18, followed by a march on September 9.

"In agreement with the family, I took the initiative, on behalf of the college and communal council, to organize on Sunday, September 9th a civic march to mark our solidarity with the victim, and more generally with all the victims of racism, intolerance and hatred because of their nationality, religion or gender "
announced the mayor of Anderlues, Philippe Tison. "As a father and grandfather, I was very saddened and saddened by this despicable act committed at home" added the burgomaster, previously pointed out for not having reacted immediately to the affair. [19659004] It obviously refers to the odious aggression of Monday, July 2, where a young woman from Anderlues, Muslim, was attacked in an alley by individuals who ripped her veil, her clothes, then tried to rape before scarifying it on the chest and arms

Charleroi-Solidarité, the Migrant March and the Vieille Femmes Hainaut will not wait for September: already on July 12, the place Verte de Charleroi had served

And this Wednesday 18, rebelote Anderlues same, on the parking of the sports hall, rue de Maubeuge from 18 h. "This aggression sends a warning signal on the extent of racist and badist excesses in society" indignant organizers.

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