Anthem: Bioware leaves 20 minutes of gameplay on the web


Remember the last E3, as the world was recovering from an unexpected game session as IN-TER-MI-NA-BLE of Command & Conquer Rivals Electronic Arts concluded his lecture with the highly anticipated Anthem . The opportunity to enjoy an interview with BioWare developers, interspersed with artworks and short sequences of gameplay.

? This is the anthem of our spaces ?

Some lucky present on the show of Los Angeles could even put their hand on the next baby of the studio behind the Mbad Effect . While these guys were in their RPG, the developers did not want to leave the other players in their jealousy. That's why the American studio decided to put on line a sequence of 20 minutes of gameplay.

One thus attends a long mission in cooperation, a lot of shootings and ballads in jet-pack. Needless to say, this sequence leaves a Destiny aftertaste in the mouth. Ben Irving, producer on Anthem presents to us the hub that allows to recover the Javelin, these famous exoarmures specific to each of the four clbades. Although the groups can only contain 4 players, this video shows us that there are no level restrictions. A Level 5 player may well, at his own risk, go on a mission with players at much higher levels.

Unless otherwise reported, Anthem is still scheduled for the 22 next February on PC, Xbox One and PS4.

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