Apple discreetly corrects its dust-sensitive keyboards


In 2015, Apple introduced the MacBook, an ultra-slim notebook with a 12-inch display and a new flat-key keyboard. The mechanism was indeed redesigned to refine the size of the keyboard and the computer in general. Thus, the keys were sinking only a millimeter only, against 1.5 or 2 millimeters on conventional keyboards. But if the computer gained finesse thanks to this mechanism called "butterfly", it was also more sensitive to crumbs and other dust that can be housed under the keys. It will not have been long before the first negative feedback is heard. Keys blocked or difficult to press: thinking to solve a problem, Apple had created a new one.

" One of the worst design mistakes of Apple ". Journalist John Gruber, a specialist in the apple brand, did not go with the back of the spoon to qualify the MacBook keyboard. It was not uncommon to encounter problems with this essential part of a laptop. Keys that get stuck, or that do not respond anymore, even in some cases that stand out: the cases were too numerous for a computer sold 1500 euros. The fault, among others, the appearance "anti-dust" set up by Apple. A fallible system, which does not forgive when a crumb or a dust is lodged under a touch. With time, it was trapped and gradually deregulated the operation of the keyboard. A clbad action had been considered by several dissatisfied American customers, before Apple finally extended its guarantee for some MacBook and MacBook Pro.

Last March, we learned in a patent published that Apple planchait on two solutions to make its keyboards more resistant to dust. The first was inspired by the keyboard of the iPad Pro and consists of placing a thin membrane under each key, so that they become completely airtight. The second was inspired by the Apple Watch, with the presence of a bellows that eject the dust with each pressure, just like the connected watch that is able to eject the water from the microphone or the speaker by vibrating membranes.

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Apple discreetly corrects its dust-sensitive keyboards – © All rights reserved

Unveiling its new MacBook Pro last week (which benefits from small technical improvements before the announcement of new models in September), the brand has the apple had explained that the keyboards were quieter, but the problem of dust was not yet solved. Yet, by dismantling the computer as they do systematically, iFixit hackers have discovered that the silicone membrane mentioned in the March patent has indeed been added. Nothing says that this solution will be effective, hence the response of Apple who prefers to wait for the first returns before stating that the problem is now old history (after recognizing that there was a problem, this which has not been done yet). But this is a first step in the right direction and a good test (more than 1500 euros per machine …) before the release of new products of the brand next September.

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