Apple Music becomes the first music streaming platform in the United States


Digital Music News reveals that in just three years, Apple Music has surpbaded its historical competitor, Swedish Spotify, with a higher number of paying subscribers.

The difference is not huge, but it's enough to put Apple Music in front of Spotify for the first time. The apple brand platform has more than 20 million paying subscribers, a little more than Spotify. A small gap at the moment, but should widen in the coming months, especially during the holiday season, conducive to gifts like iPhone and iPad.

The estimates of Digital Music News do not take into account the free subscribers, who are very numerous at Spotify and inevitably less at Apple, which only offers a trial period of three months before the obligatory subscription paying. But the calculation of Digital Music News joins that of the Wall Street Journal, which stated a few months ago that the growth of Apple Music in the United States was of the order of 5%, against 2% for Spotify.

However, Apple Music is still far from being a world leader. Spotify has 70 million paying users worldwide, compared to 45 million for Apple. As for free users, they are 90 million on Spotify and between 5 and 10 million at Apple.

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