Art Dealer Discovers Six Kooning Works in Local – International


The storage room, located near the town of Ho-Ho-Kus, belonged to the art conservator Orrin Riley, who died in 1986 and who had sold his property to his girlfriend Susanne Schnitzer, who died in 2009. [19659002] After trying in vain to sell the 200 or so works in the room individually, Susanne Schnitzer's heirs decided to give up all the contents of the room.

"Honestly, I knew that another auction house had not shown interest, so I thought it was junk, "David Killen, who owns a gallery in New York and arranges sales, told AFP. [19659002"Everythingwaspacked"herecalleddetailinginformationoriginallyreportedbytheNewYorkPost"Isaid:+Igiveyou$15000Itaketherisk+"

Only after having emptied the coin did he discover that six canvases resembled works by the painter Dutch-American Willem de Kooning (1904-1997).

He showed them to art restorer Lawrence Castagna, who worked with Kooning himself but also with Orrin Riley.

The professional has confirmed Mr. Killen's impression: "I formally believe they are" Willem de Kooning, Castagna told AFP, adding that it was not an expert opinion.

"It does not mean anything," he cautiously explained. "It's just my opinion."

The art dealer, who claims to have also discovered a painting by the Swiss painter Paul Klee, will now sell the paintings, which could yield between $ 10,000 and $ 10 million, according to

In November 2016, "Untitled XXV" was sold for $ 66.3 million by Christie's, setting an auction record for Kooning, who spent most of his adult life in the United States.

According to several American media sources, the year before, financial financier Kenneth Griffin bought the "Interchange" painting for $ 300 million in a private transaction.

"Believe it or not , and people will laugh at hearing that, but it's not for the money, "said David Killen. "I want advertising for my auction house."

He admits, however, that if the sale brought him a large amount, he would see himself buying "a very nice apartment" and new doors for his gallery. 19659014] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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