At 68, Caitlyn Jenner is about to marry a 22-year-old woman



After living for many years in a body that was not really his, Bruce Jenner, Kim Kardashian's stepfather, who is now Caitlyn, is finally the woman she always had dreamed of being. Blossoming in her new life, Caitlyn would have even found love again. In recent times, she has been very often seen in the company of Sophia Hutchins, a 22-year-old woman, transgender too. According to several well-informed US sites, Caitlyn and Sophia have been in a relationship for several months and are already living together in Los Angeles. They would even be about to get married. If this were the case, there is no doubt that marriage would be evoked in an episode of The Incredible Kardashian Family as was the case for the transformation of Bruce into Caitlyn.

As a reminder, Bruce Jenner, a former Olympic athlete, announced in 2015 to become a woman. A courageous decision that surprised only the general public. Indeed, Kim Kardashian's father-in-law disguised himself as a woman in private from time to time, which aroused the suspicions of Kris Jenner, his wife at the time. After 22 years of marriage, they had decided to separate to give themselves the chance to be happy one without the other.

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