Atmosphere on the plane of Devil supporters for St. Petersburg (video)


Brussels Airlines chartered an additional A330 to Saint-Petersburg on Tuesday morning, in preparation for the France-Belgium meeting. A total of 608 places were available for supporters who will attend the game of the Red Devils in the semifinals of the World Cup.

Fancy dress, songs of supporters: there is a good atmosphere in Brussels airport, inevitably , and a sweet euphoria: our special envoy has met hundreds of fans with contagious smiles, all dressed in their jersey of the Red Devils. Their only luggage: a precious ticket. For most of these supporters, the last 4 days have been a marathon. From the final whistle against Brazil, we had to get organized, take leave and find tickets. "It's going to be a great moment, because they are our neighbors, so somewhere we like them too" entrusted one of them.

"Three hours of flight , then we make a tour in the city ", tells another supporter. A flight visibly very agitated. Not because of the turbulence of the weather, but rather because of that of the fans. ' After we will see the match, and then we will be exhausted' he predicts.

Tickets to 699 €

Two long haul will make the round trip. " Given the enthusiasm of the supporters, we do our utmost to offer places ," said the spokesperson of the company. flight "is still € 699. It includes the trip to Saint Petersburg on Tuesday, bus transport to the stadium, the trip to the airport after the match and the return by plane to Brussels

For Friday's match against Brazil-Belgium (1-2), many supporters had a ticket but could not get a plane ticket to Kazan, the two flights chartered by Brussels Airlines had were filled in barely an hour on the day of the sale.They were 500 Belgians to support the Devils in the stadium Friday night, against 15,000 to 20 .000 Brazilians.

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