Augusta's dog shot six times by police


Augusta Chif, an octogenarian from Charleroi, is angry at police officers. They shot a young bitch, a bully, 7 months old which she said was harmless. According to the police chief, the dog was allegedly dropped by Augusta's grandson on the police officers.

According to the DH, the facts occurred on Friday. After celebrating her birthday in town, Augusta Chif's grandson came home. As she recounts, he, his brother and cousins ​​ate when the police arrived without her knowing why. "They demanded that the door be opened by threatening to smash it," she says.

The bitch would have taken advantage of the open door to go out and that is when the police fired . "They fired six times. They have persecuted her, "says Augusta indignantly.

His grandson would have been taken to the station and the other young men put against the wall," like common gangsters, "Augusta continues. [19659004OnthesideofthepolicewegiveotherexplanationsThePVwrittenthatdayspeaksofaninterventionforafamilyconflictAndthedogwouldhavebeendroppedonthepolice

Augusta, she, says her intention to complain to the Committee P.

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