Ball game: "Tilburck" tournament, act 4: Sirault completes the last square of high fight


Ball Game

Open on paper, the last playoff of the Braine-le-Comte tournament was actually on the field. Acoz and Isières resisted Sirault who returned with a smile

In opening, Sirault narrowly took (7-6) the measure of a private Acoz team Rodrigue Lecocq. The opportunity for Anthony Porson (Planois) to defend the colors of his future team. Leturcq started hostilities by missing four liveries. Then Hazard served off at 40 to 2 and Monniez straightened a game of 0-40. In the process, Nicolas Dupont scored 3-1. Raguet waited in vain between the poles, a counter-recha with the 5th game on the side of the Gerpinnois. Two new "barracks" of Leturcq set the counters to zero: 3-3. Namur (sending) and Dupont (addition) relaunched the Saint-Ghislainois to 5-3. Once again the "Carolos" resurfaced. Monniez cons-rechbada out of frame at 40-40 and Merveille won the hunt at the price of a nice strike, always at 40 everywhere. Acoz even led 5-6 following a failed counter-rechas of Dupont in the 3rd game of 40 consecutive. Namur however removed a blank game. Dupont managed a counter-recha in the last game while Monniez shone at the post: 7-6

The second meeting of the afternoon was also undecided. Dugauquier and Porson each took their game. Dimitri Dupont against-rechbada between the poles, Hazard drove a dice: 2-2. A new addition of Dupont and a white game of Defever prolonged the equality. After another addition of Dupont and three bad of Scarcez, Bonnaert chained two liveries off after serving between the woods: 4-5. The venerable Claude Leleux saved the furniture by cutting his liveries (5-5) and achieving an award-winning shot (6-5). The last game went up to 40 to 2, Dupont pushing Hazard to the fault

The final of the day was good. After opening the score by Leturcq (first prize-winning post), Bonnaert and Scarcez swapped. The last named rechbada out of frame at 40 to 2 and Monniez saved his bet despite three bad: 3-0. Three "barracks" of Nicolas Dupont did not cut the impetus saint-ghislainois. Scarcez still crunched at 40-40 and Leturcq won a very lively game. Thomas served two new balls between the poles! Yet the Fraternal Clung. A beautiful tric-trac, from bottom to bottom, four times, brought 40-40. Raguet counter-rechbada then above: 5-1. Two new games of 40 everywhere, however, fell into the Athoise pocketbook. Dimitri Dupont shot Namur and Leleux recalled all his control at the stop: 5-4. Rage, Raguet rebuked his family by taking a white game powered by an award-winning service and a rechased. In the last game, Raguet served three last bottles. The game went up again to 40-40 and Raguet, again, badped the poles



Sirault – Acoz 7-6

Isières – Acoz 7-5

Sirault – Isières 7-4


M. Charlot aligned:

Sirault: Leturcq and Namur; Monniez, N. Dupont and Raguet

Acoz: Porson and Defever; Vanneste, Hazard and Merveille

Isières: Leleux and Dugauquier; Scarcez, D. Dupont and Bonnaert


> Sirault 7 games (43 "fifteen", loses 3 sets of 40 and 1 white game) beats Acoz 6 games (37 "fifteen", loses 2 sets of 40 and 1 white game). Bullets. – In rechas: Dupont 1. In counter-rechas: Dupont 2; Leturcq and Hazard 1. In the livery: Monniez et Raguet 1. Bad deliveries: Leturcq 7; Vanneste 4; Dupont 3; Monne and Porson 2; Namur, Raguet, Defever, Hazard and Marvel 1.

> Isières 7 games (33 "fifteen", loses 1 white game) beats Acoz 5 games (33 "fifteen", loses 1 game of 40). Bullets. – In rechas: Dupont 2; Leleux and Hazard 1. In counter-rechas: Dupont 2; Porson, Vanneste and Hazard 1. In the livery: Bonnaert 1. Wrong delivery: Porson 4; Defever, Marvel, Scarcez and Bonnaert 2; Dugauquier and Dupont 1.

> Sirault 7 games (37 "fifteen", loses 2 games of 40) beats Isières 4 games (30 "fifteen", loses 3 games of 40 and 1 blank game). Bullets. – In rechas: Raguet 2; Monne, N. Dupont and D. Dupont 1. On the counter-rechas: Raguet 1. In the livery: Leturcq 6; Raguet 1. Wrong delivery: Leturcq 4; Namur, Monniez and N. Dupont 3; Leleux 2; Raguet, D. Dupont, Scarcez and Bonnaert 1.

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