Belgocontrol forced to close our airspace: union highlights troubling problem


What happened Thursday at Belgocontrol? A technical problem, you know, has forced the company to temporarily close our airspace. This has resulted in many delays at airports. Everything is back in order this Friday. But what has happened is worrying and many questions remain.

Thousands of travelers impacted, 26 flights canceled just in Zaventem and still some delays this morning. 1h30 of breakdown for heavy consequences. The problem would be technical.

"We have encountered a problem in a software that manages the processing of data related to the aircraft flight plan.We have launched a structured and orderly operation to completely revive this system" says Alain Kniebs, the holder speech of Belgocontrol.

"Knowing why the locum service did not work"

After having settled the situation, Belgocontrol immediately launched an investigation to understand how the problem could have occurred. Still no answer today. The Minister of Mobility and Transport is skeptical.

"You must know that each device is split, and know why the locum service did not work when it should work" says François Bellot, the Minister of Mobility.

"Flexibility is lost to guarantee maintenance"

Last year, Belgocontrol invested 37 million euros to improve its systems. The public company hires 82 new employees. Yet, according to a union, the problem of yesterday is partly a lack of personnel.

"We also lose flexibility to ensure the maintenance of all this, we must at this time ask for private companies, consultants to help, and this is not the way to manage a security service like Belgocontrol ", Kurt Callaerts, Permanent Secretary CSC – Transcom

This Friday night, the situation has returned to normal on the tarmac. For impacted pbadengers, there is no need to contact Belgocontrol for a refund. It will be necessary to contact the airlines only.

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