Ben Weyts (N-VA) puts confederalism on the table


Belgian Policy

Flemish Minister of Mobility, Public Works and the Brussels Periphery, Ben Weyts (N-VA), wants to put the community back on the table after the federal and regional elections of 2019, he announced Saturday in an interview with De Tijd

The Flemish Minister wants to move towards confederalism, a system in which most of the competences are regional. "Basically, we have two choices: either we continue with the current formula, by which one community dominates the other (…) The other option is confederalism I hope that francophones will also see that is better for them, so they will get the policy they voted for, "he says in De Tijd. The establishment of a confederalism "depends, however, on two things: the mandate of the elector and the persons who will be seated at the negotiating table".

Ben Weyts pleads for a seventh state reform. "Bringing back a few trophies, making the whole thing even more inefficient, is not a game we're going to be part of," he says. "The sixth reform is nonsense, I have many idiotic examples of skills discussions." After the last elections in 2014, the N-VA was fully engaged in a government economic stimulus and had temporarily put community issues in the fridge. Several figures of the nationalist party have already said that the party would not necessarily stand in the next elections with a community agenda. "We will see after the elections" what needs to be done, President Bart De Wever said last year.

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