Benalla case: on set on TF1 "his speech was learned by heart" pins a deputy LFI



LFI MP Eric Coquerel pinned Saturday the "speech learned by heart" for the 20H00 TF1 Alexander Benalla, "put under privileged", adding that "the images contradict him" on the videos of May 1, including the new at Jardin des Plantes

"It is a privileged under examination: a page in Le Monde, the 20H00 of TF1 to defend itself … Many people who have business with the justice would like to have the same thing in terms of communication, "he said on BFMTV, pointing to a" speech obviously learned by heart by Mr. Benalla, elements found in part at the cabinet director of the Elysee auditioned. "

the deputy LFI of Seine-Saint-Denis, "the images contradict him when he says he did not beat, the shots on the neck that we see on the videos solve the issue."

As for the argument of the former collaborator Emmanuel Macron, according to which his "only wrong is to have forgotten he was an employee of the Elysee, but it would be normal finally that all citizens act the same, "Mr. Coquerel considered that" it would be total anarchy, the premium for violence. "[19659003] "What plants Mr. Benalla, is the video of the Jardin des Plantes, where we realize that this May 1 he did not just give shots of the square Contrescarpe, he intervened violently face peaceful protesters with his colleague Crase, who is also not part of the police ", according to this Insubmist.

And to ask:" why he arrived that day: who sent him, with his friend ? "

" In the end, everything continues to go back to Emmanuel Macron ", in his eyes. "There is total disruption, perhaps this is the way Emmanuel Macron goes above all institutions Our motion of censure sounds the alarm," said Coquerel. This motion of censure of several parties of left will be examined on Tuesday at the same time as that deposited by The Republicans

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