Big mobilization against the expulsion towards the Congo of a da … (Liège)


 Big mobilization against the expulsion to the Congo of a dancer from Liège

Fiston Muteba Ngoie / Facebook

A dancer from Liège from Congo is threatened with expulsion by the Aliens Office. His friends are mobilizing through an online petition that has already collected more than 6,000 signatures.

Fiston Muteba Ngoie, a Liège dancer from Congo, is threatened with deportation by the government. The young man who lives in Belgium for several years has failed to complete his papers at the Office des étrangers

It is following a bbad police control in the street that the offense was found, specify our colleagues of sudpresse. Since then, the Liégeois who attended the schools of dance of the area and gave lessons to the youngest is incarcerated in the center of Vottem.

A friend of Fiston Ngoie thus put a petition on line in the hope of bending on the position of the government that could reverse its decision by canceling the expulsion of the young man.

"We hope to gather as many people as possible to help him, says Anthony on the site Our friend Fiston is currently deprived of all contact with the outside world. We have until Tuesday morning to mobilize and collect the most signatures to prevent his deportation that will deprive him of all that makes his life in Belgium.

On line Friday, the petition has already been signed by more than 6,000 people and this number is constantly increasing.

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