Bleus: Adil Rami tells the story of the fire extinguisher – CM 2018


CM 2018


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Adil Rami told, on the set of TF1 the story of the fire extinguisher, which had animated the night of the Blues after their victory against Argentina in the round of 16.

Fire extinguisher, fire alarm, evacuation of the hotel … The new # ChampionDuMonde2018 Adil Rami @ Rami13officiel tells the true version of the incredible anecdote arrives to the Blues after France-Argentina. And it is well worth the time ??

– Tlfoot (@ telefoot_TF1) July 16, 2018

This is a story that caused a stir, and which Adil Rami held, with his characteristic humor, to restore in all its truth. On the set of TF1 the defender of the French team told what exactly happened after the victory against Argentina (4-3), in the 8th finals of the Cup of the world.

"We were in a restaurant, because a nightclub, in World Cup season, it's almost impossible, and for those who know it, we have security with us and it's still very dangerous, begins to explain the player of Marseille. We were a fortnight in a restaurant, cushy. And when we came back, with the atmosphere, we started to sing in the corridors. Faithful to myself, I put on my helmet, naked, and I played in my room fortnite. In the corridors, it sang, it sang, and the guys knocked room by room to wake up " continues Rami.

"When they came back, ghostbuster"

"I felt the storm coming towards me. As soon as there was one who had the misfortune to open his door, they turned over the beds, the things, etc. I had a fire extinguisher in my room. Security, we never know, against kids. And then I go out to find out what's going on, Ben Mendy is blocking the door with his foot. He then shouted and said "Come on, we'll put the dawa in Adil Rami's room."

"I ran away, I pulled out the fire extinguisher and when they came back, ghostbuster (he mimed the gesture). Sincerely, I was scared, because when I saw the extent of this stupidity, I thought: "I'm going to get fired". At first, there was smoke all over the hallway. I did not know the fire extinguisher system. It was madness. It was a shisha. Again, a shisha was nice, it was the Velodrome.

"I thought, '' I'm dead ''"

We did not see each other at one meter in the corridors. Everyone was running, singing, hitting on each other like we did not see in the corridors. We all danced. I handed my underwear in the meantime. It hurt, anyway, to breathe. Suddenly, the security arrived and said: '' get rid of all the hotel, it's toxic. '' Like flies, everyone wakes up, plus there was alarm, there was the woman who spoke in Russian and told us to leave, something like that. Everyone came out of the hotel, the employees and everything, Didier Deschamps also in pajamas. When I saw it coming towards us, I got 'ah shit'. And when I saw the security coming, the police, the firemen, I said to myself: "I'm dead."


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