Bordeaux: Deliveroo delivery men protest against a more precarious contract


Bordeaux, July 24, 2018 – Thirty bicycle couriers working for Deliveroo in Bordeaux gathered on Tuesday to protest the new "random pricing" proposed "unilaterally" by the meal delivery platform, fearing a drop in their price. remuneration.

These delivery men, practicing for the majority this activity full time, are indignant against the new tariffs which are proposed to them by the platform by a rider to their contract. According to them, the contracts signed since February by new deliverers already include this new pricing.

" As self-contractors, we charge for delivery services Deliveroo offers us in an amendment to our contract a random pricing indicated in a request for support ", a explained to AFP Nicolas Balastegui, 33, who has been working for the platform for two years.

" With this new system, the price can go from single to double, a day 7 euros for 4 km, and the next 4 euros for the same distance ", denounces Malik, 24 years. " We think it depends on the demand: when it's strong, Deliveroo wants it to go fast and raise prices, when it's calm, they prefer to pay less ".

" With Deliveroo, this is the only job where, the more experience we have, the less we earn money ," laments the delivery boy who started a year ago and a half, earned " 15 to 20 euros per hour against about 10 euros today, not counting the expenses of the self-enterprise ," he explains.

All the deliverers present Tuesday, organized in collective or member of the union of the couriers CGT Gironde, deplore that this proposal of change of contract does not guarantee to them " no official minimum ". " And as if by chance, they are waiting for the summer to propose this change of contract ", laments Nicolas Balastegui.

The couriers had gathered in front of the premises of the platform in Bordeaux where they hoped to be received in the afternoon, in vain.

" This new pricing is offered in test until July 31 " to the delivery, told AFP a spokesman for Deliveroo France, who did not wish to give his name. " The deliverymen have the choice to sign or not this endorsement, it is an option.If they refuse this new pricing, they can return to the old fixed pricing ", he insisted .

In a statement, the company badures that this evolution of the tariff, " allowing the deliverymen to earn more for the longer races ", " responds to the request of the deliverymen ". " They have the choice to accept it or refuse it ", adds the text.

Deliveroo is a British ready-to-eat delivery company with 35,000 bicycle couriers in 12 countries, including 9,300 in France.

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