Brabant roads have experienced 31% fewer fatal crashes in 2017


By C.D.

The official figures for road insecurity in Belgium for the year 2017 were published by the FPS Economy. In Walloon Brabant, the results are encouraging. Just like in the rest of Wallonia, where the number of people killed on the roads for the first time was below 300!

E n 2017 in Wallonia, 289 people lost their lives on the road. That's 8% less than in 2016, when 314 people were killed. This is the first time that the number of people killed on Walloon roads is less than 300. The number of personal injuries has also fallen by almost 3% between 2016 and 2017.

"Thanks to a balanced policy of investments, awareness, control and sanctions, Wallonia is getting closer to the goal it has set itself in terms of road safety: to drop below the 200 killed by 2020 underlines the minister Walloon of Mobility and Road Safety, Carlo Di Antonio. It is essential to continue in this direction. A change in mentalities and behaviors is underway. These same changes have already allowed us to almost halve the number of people killed on our roads in ten years.

The provinces follow the regional trend and all show a good decrease in the number of accidents compared to 2011. Between 2016 and 2017, the number of deaths is decreasing in all the Walloon provinces, except in the province of Namur , where we deplore eight more killed. The number of bodily injuries is also decreasing in most provinces, with the exception of the provinces of Liège and Walloon Brabant, where there is a slight increase (+ 1%).

Rather positive figures

Good news for the Walloon Brabant, it is in their province that the number of deaths on the road has decreased the most. We went from 31 deaths in 2011 to 19 in 2017, a decrease of 31.8%! Figures to relativize because they vary greatly from year to year. In 2011, 2014 and 2016, there were respectively 31, 27 and 27 fatal accidents while there were "only" 17 deaths in 2013.

The same observation for the number of bodily accidents . We went from 1,062 cases in 2016 to 1,074 cases in 2017, but we counted 1,137 in 2015 and 1,284 in 2011. In six years, this represents a decrease of 16.4%.

At the With the exception of heavy goods vehicles, the different modes of travel show a decrease in the number of victims (killed and injured) between 2016 and 2017. Moreover, we have never observed so few deaths as in 2017 among motorcyclists, occupants car and pickup trucks. Here we must highlight a particularly favorable development for bikers: 28 bikers died on Walloon roads in 2017, compared to at least 40 in previous years

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