Braking luxury watches in Paris: the suspect can not be found


BRAQUAGE – An armed man stole the equivalent of 200,000 euros of watches in a shop in the 7th arrondissement of Paris this Wednesday. On the run, he took the direction of the center of the capital, where his empty vehicle was found. After several hours of searching a site where he hid, the suspect was not found.

– William Molinié

According to our information, a robbery occurred this Wednesday in a watch store in the 7th arrondissement of Paris. The author of the facts, armed, would have taken with him dozens of Cartier brand watches before fleeing by car. A loss estimated at around 200,000 euros.

The vehicle was found empty on the Samaritaine site, along the rue de Rivoli, in the heart of the capital. The premises were evacuated and searched in the presence of police dog teams for much of the afternoon until, around 7:00 pm, the device was lifted without finding the suspect and the suspect. loot

William Molinié

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