
Soon you will not need to go through a cash machine to withdraw money. Your grocer or florist can provide cash directly to you by credit card purchase.
On Wednesday, 25 July, the European Parliament finally ratified the European Payment Services Directive (DSP2), which provides for the authorization of merchants to practice the " cash back ". At the time of pay their purchases by credit card customers can ask to pay a higher amount and get the difference in coins and notes.
This service is intended to offset the decrease in the number of distributors of banknotes in France and "to answer the isolation of the most remote territories, whose relays of access to the species are often too limited" explained last February in La Tribune the secretary of State to the Economy, Delphine Gény-Stéphann
The cash back existed already in France but in a limited way. In the future, all traders who wish it will be able to practice it. A decree is yet to appear to specify the maximum amount allowed to be withdrawn. A range of 100 to 150 € was mentioned
A widespread practice in Europe
Cash back already exists in Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Ireland and the United Kingdom. But this practice remains marginal since it represents less than 2% of the amounts withdrawn in Europe, according to the European Central Bank (ECB). The average amount withdrawn is of the order of € 15.
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