Corsica, one of the best regions of France to observe the longest lunar eclipse of the century


Two and a half hours in all. The longest total lunar eclipse will take place on July 27 from 8:41 pm in Ajaccio. The total eclipse will last 1h43 with a peak around 22h20. How to explain this duration? The further away the Moon is from the Earth, the longer the eclipse, as the distance lengthens the time it takes for the satellite to cross the shadowed area of ​​the Earth.

The importance of being in the East

«The easternmost regions will see the moon rise first Lucien Luciani, from the Ajaccian Club of Astronomy Enthusiasts, the southernmost regions will see the highest moon ". Consequence: in Corsica, the moon will be visible longer. If, however, the weather conditions are favorable. In Corsica, the moon will appear already overshadowed, we will not see the entrance into the shadow of the earth.

Entering the shadow of the earth, the moon will be painted a beautiful yellow-orange, made of 'a play of light caused by the earth's atmosphere.

Behind the moon, Mars, the red planet, will also be present, a rare phenomenon.

Corsica has been designated the most beautiful region of France for the purity of its sky: light pollution is low and nocturnal skies are more easily observable

Where to observe the eclipse of the moon in Corsica?

Unlike solar eclipses, lunar eclipses can be seen with the naked eye or with binoculars. It will be visible from any point of view, according to the weather conditions.

Three evenings are organized by astronomy clubs

In Ajaccio
The Ajaccian Club of astronomy will open its doors at 9:30 pm and until the end of the eclipse. Two telescopes will be made available to the visitors, members of the club will propose several animations in connection with the observation of the sky.
Lucien Luciani:
Jean Pierre Roux: 06.11 .58.12.18

Horizon astronomie proposes an appointment place Miot from 20h30 to follow the lunar eclipse and answer questions.

In Porto-Vecchio
The astro club of Porto-Vecchio proposes a telescope observation at Camping du Mulinacciu in Lecci
Information: 04 95 73 56 26

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