Crisis in Germany. Angela Merkel will meet SPD again on Thursday


Social Democrats asked Tuesday evening time to speak on the agreement between the CDU and CSU on migration policy, including the issue of closed camps. A new meeting is scheduled for Thursday.

The agreement concluded by Angela's Christian Democrat Union (CDU) Merkel and the Christian Social Union (CSU), her Bavarian ally, on the Migration policy prompted on Tuesday the skepticism of their social democratic partners, who asked for more time to examine it.

The compromise presented Monday night by the secretary general of the CDU, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, provides for the creation of transit centers at the border with Austria where migrants who have already applied for asylum in another EU country would be held pending bilateral agreements on their removal.

Progress, but not still in agreement

The Social Democratic Party (SPD), which cohabits with the conservatives of the CDU-CSU within the ruling Great Coalition, has so far opposed such a measure. "We have made progress, but have not yet found common ground" Tuesday said Andrea Nahles, SPD federal president, adding that talks would resume Thursday night.

Olaf Scholz, vice-chancellor and finance minister from the SPD, it takes more time to transcribe the conservative compromise, which saved the coalition, in the form of "reasonable rules" .

Andrea Nahles had judged the useless project a little earlier in the absence of bilateral agreements. Lars Klingbeil, Secretary General of the SPD, was even clearer. "Our determination remains the same: we do not want closed camps" he says in an interview with Rheinische Post .

Reactions in Europe

For the President the European Commission, the compromise does not seem to pose a legal problem. "I did not study it in detail but, at first sight […] it seems to me that it is in conformity with the legislation" said Jean-Claude Juncker, during a press conference in the European Parliament, in Strasbourg.

Austria, through which most migrants who want to go to Germany transit, has also indicated that it should probably close its southern borders with Italy and Slovenia if the German agreement entered into force. Vienna fears that stricter controls at the German border will increase the number of migrants on its own territory

German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, who resigned Monday to obtain the compromise, has already spoken by telephone with Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. "I have the impression that he is interested in a reasonable solution" he said before a meeting of his party. According to the Austrian Chancellery, Sebastian Kurz will receive the German Minister of the Interior on Thursday.

Horst Seehofer also spoke by telephone with his Italian counterpart Matteo Salvini, leader of the League and the far right. They decided to meet before the Council of European Interior Ministers on 11 July in Innsbruck.

In Hungary, Prime Minister Viktor Orban has expressed his readiness to negotiate a bilateral agreement with Germany, when it will be agreed with Austria.

"The order can only be: negotiations between Germany and Austria, then negotiations between Austria and Hungary and, in the end, if the German position is really clear, negotiations between Hungary and Germany " he said in a press release issued Tuesday.

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