Dead girl poisoned in Chimay: the mother released under conditions


The House of Indictment of Mons ordered Thursday the conditional release of the mother of little Emmie, the girl died by methadone poisoning last April in Chimay. The accused still denies having administered the product to the child.

On April 12, help was needed in a house on the rue de l'Athénée in Chimay, for a 7-year-old girl found unconscious in bed . Despite the efforts of the paramedics, the child died, a priori suffocated by his gastric reflux. Given the precarious environment in which this death occurred and the deep addiction of both parents, the prosecution had put the case to the investigation to explore all the tracks. At the end of June, the results of the toxicological badyzes showed that little Emmie had died as a result of the ingestion of methadone. The mother, Brigitte V., was interrogated and placed under arrest warrant, suspected of having voluntarily administered a toxic substance, without intention to kill. The father had committed suicide a few days after the tragedy. A fortnight ago the Charleroi council chamber confirmed the arrest warrant. Régis Brocca, counsel for Brigitte V., appealed to the indictment chamber of Mons. According to him, there is no evidence at this point that his client deliberately gave a methadone capsule to her daughter, who was able to swallow it voluntarily. He therefore pleaded conditional release and obtained it.

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