Death of Mawda: The French police followed the van with a GPS pellet



French police knew that the van in which the young Mawda was killed was involved in human smuggling, and placed a GPS plotter on the vehicle, Het Nieuwsblad and Sudpresse write Tuesday.

The Belgian patrol that ran the van full of migrants, on the E42 near Mons, was not aware. "The French police had placed a tracer on the van in question, which had been investigating human smuggling for some time now – together with Belgian investigators – and was aware of the route of the van. van, "said a judicial source to Het Nieuwsblad.

" The patrols that started the pursuit of the van would have more than likely had a much more measured approach if they had known the specific context of this case, " according to judicial sources quoted by Sudpresse. "Why were our officers not informed or were they not sufficiently informed?" Committee P (police police, Ed) is investigating this. "

It is not known if the Belgian investigators were aware of French tracking and whether they reported it in the central data bank. But even such a report might not have been enough, because the brigade that ran the truck would not automatically have access to it.

Mawda, a 2-year-old Kurdish girl, died on May 17 after a chase with the police. His family and about twenty migrants had taken their seats in a van and were trying to reach England.

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