Despite troubling signs of North Korea, Donald Trump reaffirms confidence in Singapore agreement


Despite worrying signs, Donald Trump badures that he still has faith in Kim Jong-un to honor the document signed in Singapore.

A month ago, Donald Trump met Kim Jong-un, a first between an American president in office and an heir to the Kim dynasty. The billionaire, who had displayed his pride at the end of the Singapore summit, must now reaffirm his confidence after worrying signs. On Thursday, a meeting on the repatriation of the remains of US soldiers killed during the Korean War (1950-53), a subject dear to the heart of the American authorities, was scheduled to take place but was finally postponed until Tuesday.

read: What's in the document signed by Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un

To counter any suspicion of misunderstanding, the US President has published a letter "very kind" sent by Kim Jong-un: "On is making great progress, "says Donald Trump. But the words used by the North Korean dictator seem much less voluntary than those of Trump, since he asks for "concrete actions" to reinforce this trust: "I am firmly convinced that a strong will, sincere efforts and the unique approach that I and you have had, Excellency, in opening up new perspectives between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States, will be fruitful. "Again, in the text, Kim Jong- one does not speak of the North Korean denuclearization hoped for by the international community

A very nice note from Chairman Kim of North Korea. Great progress being made!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 12, 2018

North Korea denounces the "gangster methods" of Americans

The 7 July, the day after the writing of this missive by "Marshal Kim", the North Korean services used harsh words to denounce the "methods of gangsters" of the Americans and the "unilateral and greedy requests", a few hours later the departure of Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State for two days of talks in Pyongyang, a few days after the US media reported the concern of the secret service, who thought that North Korea was trying to hide a part of its nuclear arsenal.

But again, Donald Trump had clung to his hope of agreement: "I am confident that Kim Jong-un will honor the contract we signed and, more importantly, our handshake He had tweeted on Monday. "We have agreed on the denuclearization of North Korea," he added, an badertion however erroneous: the text signed on June 12 evokes an effort "towards" denuclearization and not only the North Korea, but from "the Korean Peninsula" – which includes South Korea. The US president had even blamed China … "China, on the other hand, may be putting negative pressure on an agreement because of our stance on Chinese trade. I hope not! "

I have confidence that Kim Jong will be honoring the contract we signed, and even more importantly, our handshake. We agreed to the denuclearization of North Korea. China, on the other hand, may be exerting negative pressure on a deal because of our posture on Chinese Trade-Hope Not!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 9, 2018

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