Dieselgate also touches Porsche Panamera


Octave Odola

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 The Dieselgate also touches the Porsche Panamera
Getty Images

According to the German newspaper "Der Spiegel", the German manufacturer Porsche should recall Porsche Panamera. After "Cayenne" and "Macan", it's a third model of the brand that could hide the actual level of polluting emissions.

That it seems far from the time of the "German quality", touted by the advertisements of cars in France. After recalling 60,000 cars in May and 22,000 last year, the German automaker Porsche is in turmoil. According to the German weekly Der Spiegel, local authorities will order a mandatory recall of Porsche Panamera, suspected of being equipped with software concealing their actual levels of polluting emissions. Sold for the sum of 100 000 euros, these models are intended for a wealthy clientele.

In April, a Porsche executive was detained as part of a fraud investigation. The scandal of Dieselgate had been revealed in October 2015 in Germany. The manufacturer Wolkswagen had admitted to rigging 11 million diesel cars so that they could distort the anti-pollution tests. Some cars could exceed nearly forty times the authorized threshold. The German manufacturer Porsche, which belongs to the Wolkswagen brand, has stopped the sale of its cars equipped with a diesel engine.

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