Discover who will be on the floor of Dance with the Stars this winter



Sportsmen, stars of the small and big screen, models or comedians, like every year, the cast of Dance with the stars is very varied.

A few months after an end of eighth season in apotheosis with the sublime Tatiana Silva, the cast (very masculine) of the next Dance with the stars is already on everyone's lips. If the latter has not yet been formalized by TF1, it has however been confirmed in several French media.

Once again, the show flagship of the first channel, puts the dishes in the big. This year, a little more than the previous ones with the announcement of the participation of a certain … Pamela Anderson among the ten candidates participating! The American star of Alerte à Malibu who is currently making the perfect love with the French footballer Adil Rami, would, indeed, have agreed to play the game of rumbas, fox-trots, salsas and we pbad . A big fish for TF1 which demonstrates, once again, its supremacy

A star among the stars

The rest of the cast appears, by the force of things, immediately less attractive, although there is the former Miss Universe and companion of Kev Adams, Iris Mittenaere, the comedian and member of the Big Heads Jeanfi Janssens, as well as the belgian-portuguese singer Lio on whom we count to defend our colors. The other candidates are, for their part, little known to the general public. Which could be dangerous for TF1 audiences if Pamela Andreson deserts the program rather quickly.

These, however, have rather eclectic profiles. In the actor category, we find Clement Rémiens, interpreter of Maxime Delcourt in the series Tomorrow belongs to us Héloïse Martin, known for the role of Tamara in the film of the same name, and, finally, Anouar Toubali, actor of Taxi 5 suffering from dwarfism

The sporting world will also be well represented during this ninth season with the presence of Vincent Moscato, former rugby player turned humorist, and Basile Boli, the former footballer Olympique de Marseille. The parade of big muscles will continue with the participation of the French model Terence Tell, muse of H & M and Tommy Hilfiger, who comes to complete the casting of this ninth season in beauty.

The wave of novelties will continue also on the side of the presentation with a new tandem composed of Camille Combal and Karin Ferri. At the jury level, the potential arrivals of star dancer Patrick Dupond and singer Shy'm to replace Nicolas Archambault and Fauve Hautot (who will perhaps join the team of professional dancers of the show) could give a completely different flavor in the program.

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