Disenchanted: the new series of the creator of the Simpson reveals a funny and acidic trailer – News Series


If The Simpsons have been in automatic mode for a good fifteen years, having more or less become what they criticized at the base, their importance, it is not to put back in question. So when their dad offers us a new series, we have the right to be super impatient.

And it is true that the legendary Matt Groening had been rather discreet lately. Which is easily understood, since in reality, he was working like crazy on his new series. After the American Way of Life of Simpson and the Science-Fiction of the Extraordinary Futurama Groening Now Invites Us to a World of Heroic Fantasy with Disenchanted [19659006].

 in the middle of the forest Bean, Luci and Elfo

Produced and broadcast on Netflix as of August 17, the series had not shown much yet. A teaser, some illustrations and then basta. But, just that, it already sent a dream. So we could expect a real trailer to be presented to Comic-Con at the weekend, and that's indeed what happened.

Disenchanted invites us so to follow the adventures of Bean, a rebel princess, destined to be married by force and who, of course, does not really agree. In a male world, obscurantist and cruel, the young lady well carried on the bottle will therefore try to make the trunk to escape his fate. On the way, she will meet Luci, a little demon charged to bring him to the dark side, and Elfo, an elf who is a little tired of living in his golden and sweet world.

The trailer, very effective, allows us to find the style Matt Groening in a version a little more refined than usual but which retains all intrinsic qualities. The character-design is particularly interesting, although the tone seems much darker than usual, which will not surprise those who followed Futurama in full and who soon understood that behind the A good-humored humor was hiding a damn melancholy background. No reason that it changes here, and besides the series does not even hide its game since it announces the color since its title.

In short, it augurs the best and it will, for our part, wait for the 7 next August, when the embargo will be lifted, so that we can tell you what we thought about it.


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